After a rather disappointing dinner out I was ready to get my shopping on!
First stop on our magical journey... Target.
As you can see, not much to be said for this one. We went for the TP sale on my favorite brand and ended up getting a few other things. No coupons, but we found a fun table cloth on clearance and I did use my red card and saved 5%! Spent $33.78, Saved $3.15. ALL ABOARD!
Next Stop - Walgreen's
I did two transactions, boring in comparison to my last big 25 transaction trip (25TT), but I still scored some awesome deals.
Transaction #1
I bought 1 Garnier Herbashine and 2 Garnier Nutriesse Hair Color, each on sale for $5 and a Crunch Heart for filler item. I used two $2 off and one $3 off coupons along with my $6 Register Reward from the 25TT; Paid $2.54, Saved $23.97, Received $5 Register Reward
Transaction #2
2 Wonka Lolipops Bags
4 Hershey Drops
3 Crunch Hearts
4 Skittles
6 Snickers Peanut Butter
2 Butterfinger Snackerz | 3 Aluminum Foil
4 Progresso Soup
1 Mens Multi Vitamin
1 Ginko Biloba
2 7-Day Daily Pack Vitamin Trial Packs |
The cashier announced my total of $1.36, and while being completely oblivious to the line behind me, I admit I couldnt help myself and I jumped up and down a little, giggled, and clapped for myself. The lady behind me steps forward and said "Oh wow, how did you do that?". I was still in a coupon happy land daze and I looked at her and said "COUPONS! and Register Rewards, did you see all that stuff I got?" and then I babbled something about checking the ads for the Register Rewards deals and that I buy four papers every week. She seemed extremely impressed, and I was elated to spend so little. I used the rest of my 25TT Register Rewards ($8 and $6), the $5 Register Reward I just got, and a bunch of coupons for a total savings of $72.20.
Final Stop - CVS
On the way to CVS it suddenly dawn on me that I only had 15 minutes to get there and get my Curel lotion before the sale ended. Oh no!
I rushed in the door, scanned my card at the magic coupon kiosk... but no $3 coupon like the ad promised! I ran to the lotion isle, grabbed my bottle (on
sale for $8.99) and two other smaller bottles I thought were marked $1, ran to the counter and started checking out. While I was checking out I tried to ask the lady why I didnt get my $3 coupon, she was totally clueless and eventually after showing her the ad she agreed to just take the $3 off. The small bottles I thought were $1 rang up as $6.79, but I opened my big mouth saying I thought they were $1 so we had to go check the isle, and it was $1 off, not for $1, nice thing was while there the second time around I found a peelie for $2 off the highly overpriced smaller bottle, SCORE! So after my $3 off, and the $5 Extra Care Bucks from my last trip my total was $6.21, saved $10. Not bad for two bottles of Curel. Oh and I also got there in time to get the $3 Extra Care Bucks for spending $10 on Curel. Woohoo!