Sunday, April 24, 2011

Flat Iron Challenge

The other day while I was in the shower I was thinking about the new Walmart coupon policy (I pretty much always think about coupons - ask my husband) and how nifty it is that you can get overage for your coupons. It totally makes sense, I mean they get reimbursed for the full face value of the coupon so why shouldn't we get the full face value too?

As I was brushing my hair I remembered my coworker Angie saying she thought my hair would look nice straightened... but I lost my flat iron on one of my work trips to Chicago. That was my "Ah ha!" moment and the Flat Iron Challenge was born.

I decided to plan a trip to Walmart where my coupon overage would buy me a brand new flat iron! Here is the one I picked out for $22.99 (online price) and it says you don't even have to dry your hair first! Although I'm a little apprehensive about not drying my hair first, I am a lazy hair styler (pony tail most days) and it got great reviews on the wet function.

Sounds easy, right? Find some coupons that are more than an item and get cash back... in general yes its super easy, but trying to find $23 worth of overage at $0.02-0.15 a pop is freakin hard! So far I have a list of 55 items with a retail total of $91.89 and coupons totaling $110.00 for an overage of $18.11 - and I have a small list of possible money making coupons and a few others I need to check and see if I still have the coupons for. Hopefully they have the items I'm looking for, and they are still the same price since I'm not sure if some of the prices I've noted from other bloggers were sale prices.

I'm still looking for coupon overage deals and trying to make a game plan to make this go as smoothly as possible in-store. If you read the Walmart Coupon Policy the register will automatically prompt them to call a manager if any of the following occurs: 40 coupons per transaction, $50 or more in coupons per transaction, or any single coupon for $20 or more for one item. This means I will want to split my shopping into 3 separate transactions to keep it both under 40 items and $50 worth of coupons. This will be epic!

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